In 1959, a German Chemist by the name of Herbert Sinner published "The Law of Mass Cleaning Action".
This Law describes the relationship between the four critical components in every cleaning process.
Dr Sinner explained the Law by using a simple diagram, now referred to as the Sinner's Circle.
Dr Sinner was employed by the German chemical manufacturer Henkel AG & Co. KGaA.
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA continue to acknowlege the simplicity and significance of Dr. Sinner's Law by means of an annual award given in his honour. It is presented to a student responsible for the most outstanding and fundamental findings related to the application of detergents and cleansers.
There are some that misinterpret the Law by stating that we must keep everything in equilibrium.
This is not correct.
Dr. Sinner's Law states that by increasing one component, we are able to reduce one or more of the other components.
Similarly, if we reduce one component, we must increase one of more of the others to compensate.
So, to achieve the greatest efficiency in any cleaning process, we may need to break the equilibrium.
For example:
Here, we have increased the Temperature Component of the cleaning process by using Hot Water. This has allowed reductions in the Time, Force and Chemical Components.
Next we increase the Force or Mechanical Action by using Hot Water with a Pressure Cleaner.
Now, both Time and Chemical Compenents have been reduced. And with the cost of Labour and the cost of Chemicals being critical factors in the overall cost of cleaning, we are heading in the right direction.
We say YES. And so do our customers:
Hot Water cleaners are available with electric, diesel or petrol motors. The heating source can be diesel, LPG, Natural Gas or Electric.
Called the DS 350, it was a vast improvement over the common American "Anderson" type steam cleaners of that era.
The Karcher excelled in the areas of safety, performance and reliability.